Brief: Identify barriers for businesses in the Leeds City region in taking on apprentices, to prepare marketing communications to tackle these barriers and then propose a strategy for increasing the capacity of SME and micro-businesses to manage, develop and retain apprentices.
Approach: First, a comprehensive research programme with 240 businesses was carried out, resulting in a detailed research document clearly highlighting the barriers and requirements of business decision-makers in 12 sectors (from manufacturing through to life sciences).
Next, we developed a suite of marketing collateral based on the insights generated from the research including a brochure, training booklet and PowerPoint presentation. We tested the communications with the business community to ensure that they resonated and made any necessary tweaks. We also developed a programme of interactive workshops hosted and facilitated by Yes Agency, which we promoted by telemarketing and e-marketing, during which we shared the literature promoting the uptake of Apprenticeships and disseminating guidance on how to manage, develop and retain apprentices. Existing business networks across the region were also engaged to build fruitful relationships with businesses to ensure that Apprenticeships will continue to be delivered in the region long after the campaign has finished.